Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why would anyone call Mr. Obama the “S” word?

Why would anyone call Mr. Obama the “S” word – Socialist?

The media would rather not cover it. Mr. Obama hopes you forget.

Oh, and it certainly not about skin color -- although there are Race Baiters who would like to guilt you to make you think it is.

But while charting his political future in 1996, Mr. Obama turned to the "New Party" in Illinois. HINT: “New Party” is codeword for Socialist (Wiki)


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Still doubtful? Well, look no further than Obama's 1996 New Party (Socialist)

Candidate questionnaire, when he first ran for office 13 years ago:

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Ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handgun? Yes

Rationed health care for the mentally disabled? Yes, via “a thorough review of current service delivery systems.”

Single-payer health care (Socialized medicine)? “Yes, with Medicare incorporated … covering all workers, so as not to create disincentives to work.”

The full questionnaire is parked HERE: 1996 Obama General Candidate Questionnaire (New Party, Illinois State Senate, 09-10-96 (pdf)

It’s not a myth. It’s not hyperbole. It’s VERY real.


Obama’s charismatic speaking ability, honed via carefully-worded teleprompter cues, is no different than other Socialists who have come before him. Crowds were wowed at the prosperity and "Change" they promised too, only to regret years later that they sat idly by and let their silver-tongue devil beguile them into decades of servitude for the betterment of the Collective.

Oh, and by the way, YOU are caught up in Obama’s grand experiment unless you EXERCISE your First Amendment rights of:

speech -- town halls, talk radio, C-SPAN, etc
the press -- blogging, editorials, pamphlets, email to friends, etc
to peaceably assemble -- tea parties, meetings with your Congressman, marches on Washington DC, etc AND
to petition the Government for a redress of grievances -- increase the volume to your elected representatives


And NOT in 2010 when it’s too late -- get off your butt if you're not already active.

Exercise those First Amendment rights NOW, before you are forced

to leverage your First Amendment rights with your Second Amendment rights!


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